1) Do you often exaggerate things in conversation? Does it bother you when other people exaggerate a lot? Why do you think people exaggerate? 2) When you want to convince somebody, do you prefer to use cold hard numbers or your personal emotions and experience? When you want to buy something, do you believe word of mouth advertising? 3) Have you ever noticed anybody trying to outright manipulate you? How do you deal with manipulators? Do you yourself use passive-aggressive manipulation? 4) Do you believe that media distorts the facts? Do you believe there is such a thing as unbiased journalism? 5) Do you remember how you felt when the Soviet Union collapsed? Did the collapse affect your family much? 6) Did the financial collapse of 2008 affect you or your close people in any way? 7) Do you believe that leaving out some information equals lying? Do you believe there is such a thing as a white lie? 8) How fast do you usually grasp new concepts or trends? Are you influenced by trends or rather opposed to them? 9) Are you easily swayed by other people’s ideas or opinions? Who do you think is more easily swayed by other people, teenagers or elderly people?

Advanced questions



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