What ____ the time? I ____ 100 euros on these boots and they're broken. When ____ start work? They ____ married in 2013. Why ____ you sad? Is there a problem? We ____ in love the first time we saw each other. When ____ to the UK? She ____ and walked away. When I ____ college, I started looking for a job. Did you ____ a good weekend? Where ____ do you come from? I usually ____ to Helen when I have a problem. We like to keep our prices low. This makes our ____ happy. I am looking for a job with a higher ____. At the moment I ____ a book about a young boy in Afghanistan. What are your plans for the weekends? ____ anything nice? Hi, Mike. Pleased ____ you. I am Nia. We can't go to the restaurant, so we will have ____ out reservation. I bought these souvenirs at a ____ market in Greece. I am afraid Ella isn't here at the moment. Can I ____ a message? ____ to come out on Saturday night? I ____ dinner tonight, I'm just going to have a snack. Eve ____ to Australia next month. Everyone likes that film, but I ____ it. I started writing ten years ago, but I ____ anything, He ____ his girlfriend in 2014. You ____ have a passport to get into the country. She ____ do any homework tonight so she can come with us. You ____ see the dentist about that tooth. ____ don't you ask your friend to help you with this? She has to ____ an appointment with a dentist. He ____ too many mistakes and failed the exam. I usually ____ new words in a dictionary. I ____ along the street when I met Dave. The radio was on, but nobody ____. She ____ her arm while she was skiing. They expect ____ this game easily. I've decided ____ law. Keep walking until you ____ the river. The bar is in front ____ you. Did you travel ____ train? You look tired - you should ____ some rest. I've known Rami ____ my first year at college. She has worked with us ____ three years. They haven't been here ____ 1987. You ____ need a special visa, but I'm not sure. I can't close my bag because I bought ____ many souvenirs. Can I try ____ these jeans? This shirt doesn't ____. Can you ____ me some money? She gave ____ eating meat last year. That was the ____ meal I have ever eaten. Jane is ____ before. Your boat is ____ beautiful than ours. My dog is always barking at ____. She's ____ best player in the team. We ____ go to Spain this summer, but we aren't sure. ____ Harry can help you with this exercise. It's one of the biggest mountain ____ in the world. I used to live in a ____ area, far from the city. There are still some trams in San Francisco, but not ____. I don't do ____ exercise. This is the restaurant ____ serves terrible frozen food. She's the woman ____ gave me a fifty-dollar tip last week. This is the shop ____ I worked for ten years. He wanted to ____ famous. One day I am going to travel ____ the world. ____ you tell me where the housing office is? This is ____ important problem at the moment. In my ____, they should sell the house. We are going on holiday tomorrow, I am really ____. I've just ____ my webpage - it looks much better now. Hi, everyone. Welcome to my weekly ____. I ____ her we would be late. The tour guide ____ we should stay here. What would you do if she ____ her job? If we had more money, we ____ go on expensive holidays. If I ____ the lottery, I wouldn't tell anyone. I watched a very good ____ about police in South Africa. Snakes, tortoises and crocodiles are ____. He's a great ____. Can you hold ____ I'll be with you in a minute. I've read the instructions twice, but I am ____. I still don't know how it works. If I pass my test, ____ take you out to celebrate. ____ the invitations yet? Why do you keep calling him? You've ____ called him three times this morning. There are so many people at the party. The room is very ____. There were terrible ____ at the airport. Why is everyone talking so ____? We'll look into it ____ away. The internet connection doesn't ____. People ____ to prison when they commit a crime. Everyone in the hotel ____ by the police. The toys ____ here, not in Japan. So you are enjoying life in Argentina. What ____ like about it? I haven't met the boss yet. ____ she like? I am not ____ about that. In the future, cars ____ use oil because it will be too expensive. You have caught a ____. I ____ yoga twice a week.

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