1) When yeast uses anaerobic respiration, it produced alcohol. This process is called? a) Aseptic Technique b) Fermentation c) Quarantine 2) Malaria can be expensive to treat, but it can be prevented by using... a) Mosquito Nets b) Fridge's to keep food cold c) Umbrellas 3) This is an example of a protist a) Athlete's Foot b) Cheese c) Paramecium 4) Respiration produces this gas (remember our yeast) a) Nitrogen b) Carbon Dioxide c) Hydrogen 5) Originally people thought the plague was causes by bad air. We know it is caused by... a) Bacteria carried by fleas b) Bad luck c) Mosquitos 6) Scientists use this to ensure they do not contaminate their plates a) Aseptic Technique b) Quarantine c) Flagella 7) How many microbes could be in a single sneeze? a) 10 b) 100,000 c) 100,000,000,000 8) We can prevent the spread of microbes by... a) Quarantine b) Washing our hands c) Both 9) What happened to "Typhoid Mary"? a) She was quarantined on an island b) The was shot c) She worked happily as a cook with no problems 10) What was another disease transmitted (passed on) by an animal? a) A cold b) Flu c) Rabies


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