Do you and your friends have dinner together?, Does Mary clean the house in the morning?, Do the boys go to school every day?, Do we get up late?, Do the dogs sleep on the sofa?, Do I need to go now?, Does the teacher speak English in class?, Do you do homework every week?, Does John talk to his wife every night?, Do you see your mother on weekends?, Do the students want to eat out today?, Does your sister watch the news on TV?, Do you play the guitar in the afternoon?, Does Susan live with her family?, Do you cook lunch every day?, Does Carol pay the bills in the bank?, Do you wash your car on the street?, Does the principal meet the parents every day?, Do I call Susan at night?, Do you and I surf the net in the morning, Does the policeman save people evrey day?, Do you come here by car?, Does Susan drive the car downtown?, Do they travel every vacation?, Does your best friend have money?,


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