Write about a special bond you have with an animal., Describe your dream bedroom. What would be in it and why?, You’re trapped on a desert island with only the things in your schoolbag. What do you do?, Your pet is in charge of you for a day. What will they make you do?, Write about a place that is important to you., When I discovered there was treasure buried in the backyard I…, A friend from another country is going to swap schools with you. Write a letter telling them what to expect., The moment I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right…, Write a letter to your teacher telling them why your favorite book should be studied in class., You get to be your favorite animal for a day. What do you do?, Write a story where all your favorite characters from books and movies meet up. What do they get up to?, Write an alternative ending for your favorite book or movie., Describe a day in your life if you were famous., Write a story where the main character faces their biggest fear., I looked out the window and couldn’t believe what I saw…, You’ve got a magic pen. What can it do and how will you use it?, Write a story that includes the sentence, “I should have seen this coming.”, You discover a trapdoor in your house. What lies beneath?, Describe a mistake you made and what you learned from it., Write a speech that tells the whole school why you should be a student leader., Write a letter to a younger sibling telling them everything they need to know about being in Grade 4., You can choose one new subject or sport to be taught at school. What do you choose and why?, Homework should be banned. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement., If you could travel through time, would you go to the past or the future? Explain why., Write about a famous person and why you admire them., Write about the best gift you’ve ever received. What made it so amazing?, The dinosaurs are back, and they’re in your street. What happens next?, If I could visit another planet I would go to…, You dig the world’s deepest hole. What lies at the bottom?, You’re the teacher for the day. What will you do in your lesson?, If I could keep any animal as a pet I would choose… because…, Your house has a secret and mysterious history. Write a story about what happened before you lived there., If I had a superpower it would be…, The most interesting thing I’ve learned this year is…, You get to change the school uniform. What would you make everyone wear and why?, You get transported into the last video game you played. Where are you?, If you could invent anything, what would it be?, If I could only eat one food from now on it would be… because…, You’re a detective working on a big, important case. What is it and how do you solve it?, If I could have any job in the world it would be…, Write a story where the main character is hiding a big secret., An alien arrives at your house. What happens next?, You climb to the top of the tallest tree in your neighborhood. What can you see that you couldn’t see from down below?, Write a story where a boring, everyday experience gets turned into a big adventure., Describe what you look for in a friend., Who lives in the clouds and what do they do up there?, What is your favorite holiday and why?, It started out as just an ordinary day, but then…, Write about a family member who has an interesting story to tell., You’re organizing the ultimate birthday for a friend. What have you planned for them?.



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