1) To bake a cake you need... a) Flour, eggs, sugar and butter b) Eggs, flower and salt c) Water, flour and tomatoes d) Eggs, flour and soda 2) To make a pizza you need... a) Water, oil and flower b) Cheese, water, oil and flour c) Oil and flour d) Rice,cheese and chicken 3) To make salad you need to a) wash water b) cut vegetables c) fry vegetables d) blend vegetables 4) To prepare Ceviche you need to a) fry fish b) move water c) wash apples d) squeeze lemons 5) Choose the ingredients for "Pachamanca" a) Tomatoes, potatoes and sugar b) Potatoes, cheese and fish c) Potatoes, sweet potatoes and meat d) water, strawberries and potatoes 6) Choose the ingredients for "Spaghetti Bolognese" a) lentils, watermelon and tomatoes b) pasta, tomatoes and ice cream c) rice, cheese and tomatoes d) tomatoes, pasta and meat 7) Look at the picture. Choose the correct cooking verb: a) fry b) wash c) mash d) cut 8) Look at the picture. Choose the correct cooking verb: a) cut b) move c) boil d) blend 9) Look at the picture. Choose the correct cooking verb: a) add b) cut c) move d) boil 10) What's the dish? First, fry the meat. Then, cut lettuce. Finally, put ingredients in the bread. a) salad b) soup c) hamburger d) chicken and rice 11) What's the dish? First, boil the pasta. Next, blend the tomatoes. Finally, add the chicken. a) Pizza b) soup c) Bolognese spaghetti d) salad 12) Read the instructions and choose the correct option. a) Boil water, add pasta, stir and serve b) Boil water, fry pasta, stir and serve 13) Read the instructions and choose the correct option. a) Mix ingredients, wash apples, add apples and mixture. b) Mix ingredients, cut apples, add apples and mixture.
Ingredients and cooking verbs
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