an action film - a film with a fast-moving plot with a lot of fights,, usually containing scenes of violence, an animation - a film in which drawings or puppets appear to move, a comedy - a play, film, or television programme that is intended to make people laugh, a drama - a serious play in a theatre or on television or radio, a situation or sequence of events that is highly emotional, tragic, or turbulent, a historical film - a fiction film showing past events or set within a historical period, a horror film - a film with a frightening storyline and atmosphere, a musical - a play or film in which singing and dancing play an essential part, a rom-com - a film or television programme about love that is intended to make you laugh, a science-fiction film - books, films, or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets, a thriller - a book, play, or movie that has an exciting and frightening story, a war film - a film genre concerned with warfare, typically about naval, air, or land battles, with combat scenes central to the drama, a western - a film, television drama, or novel about cowboys,
Types of films B1
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