Put / Get your thinking cap on - Get serious and concentrate, As easy as ABC - Very simple and easy, Be a copycat - Somebody who copies another person`s work, Cover a lot of ground - A lot of work to do, Show of hands - Raise your hands to vote, Learn something by heart - Memorise something, A for effort - Recognition for hard work, Crack a book - Open a book to study, Learn one's lesson - To suffer a bad experience and know not to do it again, Pass with flying colours - Pass (an exam) easily with high marks, Hit the books - Start to study hard, Goof off/around - Waste time, procrastinate, Draw a blank - Not to be able to remember anything, Figure (something) out - Discover something or solve a problem, Daydream - To fantasize instead of paying attention to your surrounding, Be lost in thought - Concentrated to the point of not realizing what's going on around you, To cram - To study a lot just before an exam,



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