1) Would you like to be ...English teacher at ...college? a) the/- b) the/the c) a/- d) an/- e) the/a 2) They stayed only ...day at the hotel. a) a b) - c) the d) some e) an 3) ...West End is ... richest part of ... capital a) a/an/the b) the/-/the c) the/a/a d) the/the/- e) the/the/the 4) We had ... very nice meal. ...vegetables were especially good. a) -/- b) a/the c) -/the d) the/the e) a/- 5) ... Rome was not built in ...day. a) the/a b) -/- c) -/the d) an/a e) -/a 6) All ... books on ... top of the shelf belong to me. a) the/the b) -/a c) -/the d) the/- e) a/an 7) The beautiful child gave her ...some medicine and ...piece of sugar. a) a/the b) the/the c) the/a d) a/an e) -/a 8) If you live in ... foreign country you should try and learn ...language. a) a/the b) the/the c) -/- d) the/a e) -/a 9) Italy is in ... South of ...Europe, isn't it? a) an/a b) the/an c) the/- d) an/the e) the/the 10) Washington is situated on ... Potomac River in ...District of Columbia. a) -/- b) the/the c) the/- d) a/an e) -/the 11) - When will ...next bus be? - ...next will be tomorrow morning. a) -/- b) a/the c) the/the d) the/a e) a/a 12) ... Latin America is on ... South of America. a) the/a b) -/- c) -/the d) the/- e) the/the 13) David picked up ... nut from ...hole a) the/the b) the/a c) a/an d) an/a e) a/the 14) Once ... pupils of ... fifth form read ... book about Robin Hood. a) -/the/a b) an/a/the c) a/an/the d) -/the/an e) the/the/a 15) Spring is ... best season of ...year. a) the/a b) the/the c) a/- d) a/a 16) ... concert began with ...song about ...peace and ... work. a) the/a/-/- b) the/the/a/a c) a/the/the/the d) a/a/-/- e) a/the/-/- 17) ... long walk in ... country is very interesting. a) a/the b) a/a c) the/a d) -/the e) the/the 18) ... Penguins live in the South Pole a) a b) the c) an d) - 19) ...Smith enjoyed their rest at the cost of ... Black Sea last summer. a) -/the b) the/the c) the/- d) the/a e) a/a 20) France covers ... area of 551000 sq.km a) the b) an c) a d) - 21) " ... Queen Mary " is one of ... biggest ships in the world. a) -/a b) -/- c) -/the d) the/a e) the/the 22) Open ... books at ... page 20 and read ... text. a) -/the/the b) the/-/a c) the/-/the d) -/the/a e) -/-/the 23) It is ... holiday of all European people. ...people have ... two day's holiday. a) -/-/- b) the/the/a c) a/-/the d) a/the/a e) the/-/the 24) This is ...lion that I saw in the circus yesterday. a) the b) a c) an d) - 25) You realize that ... time to choose one job out of ... hundreds has come.  a) the/- b) an/a c) a/the d) -/the e) the/a 26) There were ... three shelters on ... cliff. a) -/the b) a/a c) -/a d) a/the e) the/the 27) I saw ... good deal of him during ... war. a) a/a b) a/the c) the/the d) the/- e) a/- 28) He sat down at ... piano and played ... piece that he had played in the morning. a) the/the b) the/- c) a/the d) the/a e) a/a 29) ...doctor says... child must eat ...apple ...day. a) a/an/a/a b) a/a/the/a c) the/the/an/a d) the/the/an/the e) the/the/a/a 30) ...Browns invited me to ... dinner. a) the/- b) -/the c) the/a d) the/an e) -/a 31) They went on ... expedition to ... North. a) a/the b) the/the c) an/the d) the/a e) -/the


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