1) The rat is ... the tree. a) in b) on c) under 2) The octopus is ... the table. a) in b) on c) under 3) The rat is ... the TV a) in b) by c) on 4) The rat is ... the car. a) under b) by c) on 5) The rat is ...the bag. a) on b) in c) under 6) The rat is ... the flower. a) by b) in c) under 7) The rat is ... the guitar. a) on b) under c) by 8) The rat is ... the cat. a) by b) on c) under 9) The rat is ... the cat. a) under b) on c) in 10) The octopus is ... the ball. a) under b) in c) by 11) The octopus is ... the fish. a) on b) in c) by 12) The octopus is ... the monkey. a) under b) by c) on

Prepositions 1


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