Ask your group if they have seen some of your favorite movies., Have you ever drastically changed your hair style or clothing style in a short time?, Have you ever shot a gun?, Have you ever ridden an animal?, Where have you traveled?, What sports have you played? , Where is the best place you have ever been?, What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?, What interesting foods have you eaten?, What are some unique accomplishments you have done?, Have you ever screamed at someone in public?, Who is the greatest person you have ever met?, How long have you studied English?, What is the best and worst restaurant you have eaten at?, What have you done a lot this week?, What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?, What have you done too many times?, What is the longest you have been awake for?, Ask your group two or three interesting “Have you ever…?” questions, Have you ever:, How have you been feeling lately?, How have you been getting to work/school recently?, What have you been thinking about a lot?, What have you been doing this week?, What have you been dreaming about lately?, What have you been wanting to tell someone lately?, What have you been putting your energy into recently?, Which movie have you been wanting to watch for a while?, Which color have you been wearing a lot lately?, Where have you been eating lunch?, Where have you been going for peace and quiet?, Where have you been considering going on your next holiday?, Why have you been smiling lately?, Why have you been looking tired?, Why have you been working so hard?, Whom have you been thinking about recently?, Who has been annoying you this week?, Who has been helping you lately?, What has been motivating you recently?, What hasn’t been interesting you lately?, What hasn’t been smelling good to you recently?, Has it been raining today?, Has it been snowing?, Have you been studying hard?, Have you been feeling okay?, Have you been watching videos online?, Have you been listening to a lot of music lately?, Have you been having fun with your friends?.




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