German Currency - The Mark , Kaiser & Weimar Finance Method  - Printing Money, Deficit Financing - Spending money to stimulate economy, Reparations from End of Great War - £6.6 billion , Short term fix to pay Reparations - Buying US Dollars to pay debt back, Reason the France & Belgium occupy the Ruhr - Germany 1922/23 misses Reparation payments, Passive Resistance - Gov pays workers in the Ruhr to strike , Hyperinflation - Currency devalued -extreme prices , Bartering - Exchanging goods rather than cash , King of the Ruhr - Hugo Stinnes bought 20% of Ruhr industry, Hyperinflation losers - People with Savings, fixed incomes , Hyperinflation Winners - People with Debt; mortgages; exporters & farmers,

Weimar Economy



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