1) There were five thousand applications .... the job advertisement a) in response to b) in place of c) in proportion to 2) I went back to my old school ...... tha I'd bump into one of my former teachers a) on the strength b) on no account c) on the off-chance 3) I'm ..... this weekend - how about a trip to the university museum? a) at a disadvantage b) at a loose end c) at a stretch 4) Is it my imagination or does Greg feel .... in that very academic environment? a) out of character b) out of work c) out of his depth 5) The poetry reading wasn't really ....: we should have gone to the theatre instead a) to my liking b) to a fault c) to no purpose 6) Liz will be so glad when she's finally got those qualifications a) under discussion b) under control c) under her belt

Choose the correct prepositional phrase - Vocabulary development 2 - Expert Prof - Prepositional phrases


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