1) What is 2/10 as a decimal? a) 2 b) 0.2 c) 0.10 d) 10 2) What does the 3 represent in this number 4.03? a) 30 b) 3 tenths c) 3 d) 3 hundredths 3) Put these decimals in order of size, smallest first. 0.412, 0.0059, 0.325, 0.046, 0.012, 0.007 a) 0.007, 0.0056, 0.012, 0.046, 0.412, 0.324 b) 0.412, 0.325, 0.046, 0.012, 0.007, 0.0059 c) 0.0059, 0.012, 0.007, 0.046, 0.412, 0.325 d) 0.0059, 0.007, 0.012, 0.046, 0.325, 0.412 4) What is 0.5 x 9 ? a) 45 b) 4.5 c) 0.45 d) 0.045 5) what is 3.56 x 10 ? a) 3.560 b) 3560 c) 35.6 d) 3.056 6) What is 12.6 divided by 3? a) 4.2 b) 6 c) 4 d) 2.4 7) What is 8.1 divided by 3 a) 2 b) 2.1 c) 2.7 d) 1.7 8) What is 1.5 + 3.05 a) 4.10 b) 3.2 c) 4.55 d) 5


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