1) You can only ................................ the Internet if you have WiFi password. a) access b) upgrade c) uninstall 2) ............... slightly forward in your chair to show you are involved in the conversation. a) nod b) lean c) comment 3) Don't .................... hands too loosely or too firmly. a) fidget b) shake c) upgrade 4) John started English a few months ago, so he is still at an ............................ level. a) advanced b) expert c) elementary 5) It's not kind to ........................... your friends! a) pronounce b) gossip c) fluent 6) Please don't .................... your feet against the floor or the chair. a) tap b) fidget c) lean 7) What is the .............................. of this word? a) definition b) pronunciation c) installation 8) She is very .........................in three languages. She can speak English, French and German. a) advanced b) fluent c) upgrade 9) You should .....................your head if you agree with me. a) fidget b) tap c) nod 10) She is an ............................ at computers. She knows everything. a) access b) expert c) restore


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