1) This is your new phone. This is ________. a) you b) your c) yours 2) That is his old bike. It is _______. a) he b) him c) his 3) Those are Mark and Susan's shoes. They are ______. a) they b) theirs c) their 4) These are my blue jeans. They are _______. a) mine b) I c) my 5) This is our bedroom. It is _____. a) our b) ours c) we 6) David bought a new house. This is _______ house. a) his b) him c) he 7) My sister has got a puppy. That is ______ puppy outside. a) she b) hers c) her 8) The dog has many toys. These are _____ toys. a) its b) hers c) we 9) You have a red pen. Is this _______ red pen? a) yours b) you c) your 10) We planted some flowers. These are _______ flowers. a) we b) ours c) our 11) Anne is 11 years old. ____ mother is Sue. a) Her b) She c) Hers 12) Paul and I are good friends. ____ favourite videogame is "Call of Duty" a) We b) Our c) Their

2. Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives


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