Armature - An _________________ is a support or frame used when sculpting clay, Banding Wheel - A ___________ ____________ is a wheel head mounted on a pedestal base and turned by hand, Relief - ____________ is an image that has been carved, modeled, or molded onto a fixed background, Rib tool - Used to refine shapes, the ___________ is made of wood, metal, or plastic, Extruder - An _____________ is a simple mechanical device that compresses clay and forces it through a die, Maquette - A _______________ is a small, quick preliminary "sketch" or model in clay, Coil - Traditional African and Native American potters still use a hand-building technique called the ____________ method., Pinch - Using the ____________ method, you hand-build forms by squeezing clay between thumb and fingers., Slab - A ____________ is a flat piece of clay made by rolling or pressing., Mold - Using the ___________ method, you hand-build forms by shaping clay inside, on top of, or around an object.,


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