What did you do yesterday?, How do you spell your name?, What is the weather like today?, Who is your longest friend?, What is your favourite day of the week?, Do you have any brothers or sisters?, Where do you live?, Do you live in a house or a flat?, How many bedrooms are there in your house?, How are old are you?, Describe your typical day?, What time do you wake up?, What time do you go to bed?, Who is the shortest in your family?, What do you like doing with your friends?, What do you usually do on Fridays in the evenings?, What do you usually do on Saturdays in the mornings?, What do you usually do on Sundays in the afternoons?, Describe a person in the class?, Is your family big?, How often do you do sport?, Describe the difference between a cat and a lion, Do you like doing sport inside or outside?, Do you always do your homework?, What do you normally eat for breakfast?, What is your favourite subject at school?, How do you get to school?, What time do you finish school?, Do you have any pets?, How many boys are in this room?, How many girls are in this room?, Who is the youngest in the class?, Where is the coldest place you have been?, What date is your birthday?, Do you think reading is fun?, What can you wear when its cold to keep warm?, What subjects do you have on Mondays?, What would pack in your suitcase if you were going to Ibiza?, How many times do you speak English a week?, Do you like the school meals?What subjects do you have on Mondays?, What do you do when you want to relax?, What is your favourtie joke?, Where is the hottest place you have been?, What is the longest flight you have been on? , How long does it take to get to school?, Do you get up early?, Will you use English in the future?, What is your ideal job?, Where do you usually go on holiday?, Where do you want to live in the future?.

Y6 - 50 Questions to practice speaking


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