1) Most scholars today trace the origin of the modern tactic of terrorism, although not the word itself, back to which era? a) 1st Century b) The Middle Ages c) The French Revolution d) WW1 2) What prominent American politician said, ‘What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.’ a) Barack Obama b) Donald Trump c) Hilary Clinton d) Robert Kennedy 3) In what year were the most people killed on UK ‘soil’ from terrorist attacks? What accounted for a large proportion of these? a) 1988 b) 1998 c) 2005 d) 2017 4) On March 1, 1881, the leader of which country was killed by a terrorist organisation calling itself ‘The People’s Will”? a) Norway b) Germany c) Russia d) Spain 5) Which organisation was responsible for planting explosives in Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, the National Gallery and the Bank of England? They also invented the letter bomb and were responsible for the first terrorist bomb to explode in Ireland? a) IRA b) Suffragettes c) Al Aq’ida d) PIRA




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