The group of senior ministers in a government - Cabinet, The meeting room of a house of Parliament - Chamber, The joining together of two or more groups or parties, usually to form a government or opposition - Coalition, The people of a nation or state - Commonwealth, The set of basic rules by which a country or state is governed - Constitution, A way of governing a country in which the people elect representatives to form a government on their behalf - Democracy, Having to do with the national Parliament or government rather that state parliaments or governments - Federal, A system of government in which powers and responsibilities are divided between a national government and provincial or state governments - Federalism, The representative of the Queen in Australia at the federal level - Governor-General, One of the two houses of the federal Parliament of Australia, whose Members are elected on a population basis - House of Representatives, The power to make and change laws - Legislative Power, A member of a house of Parliament - Member of Parliament, The forming of a nation by the union of a number of states, each of which retains some power to govern itself, while ceding some powers to a national government. - Federation,

Australian Government Glossary


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