PARENTS: They leave their room in a terrible mess and they roll their eyes when I ask them to clean it, They never pick up dirty clothes or wet towels from the floor. They think someone comes later and pick it up, Whenever I need to call them, their phone is turned off or the battery is dead., They only hear what they want to hear, the rest they pretend they haven´t heard, They just keep on texting when I´m telling them something really important and they say, " I heard you." A, TEENAGERS: They tell me to do the dishes and then complain that I put things in the wrong place in the dishwasher, Their opinions are sometimes oldschool., They say NO before I´ve ever finished explaining what I want to do., They always pick up the remote control and change the channel when I´m watching something interesting, They come into my room without knocking and then they are surprised to see things they don´t really want to know about.,

Parents x Teenagers



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