1) 나는 그 책이 매우 강렬하다고 느꼈어. a) I found a very powerful book. b) I found the book very powerful. c) I found the book very powerfully. 2) 그거 유용하겠다. a) That sound useful. b) That sounds useful. c) That sound usefully. 3) 아이디어를 생각해 내는 방법에 대한 조언 a) advice on how ideas come up b) advice on how to come up with ideas c) advice on how to come down with ideas 4) 네가 관심 있는 주제 a) a topic you're interested b) in a topic you're interested c) a topic you're interested in d) a topic in you're interested 5) 디자이너들에게만 필요한 것이다 a) It's nothing but designers need. b) It's anything that designers need. c) It's something only designers need. 6) 이럴 때 여러분에게는 영감이 필요합니다. a) There are the times you need inspiration. b) These are the times when you need inspiration. c) Those are the times when you need inspirtation. 7) 섬광처럼 일어나는 예상치 못한 일 a) an expected event that happens like a sudden flash. b) an unexpected event that happen like a sudden flash. c) an unexpected event that happens like a sudden flash. 8) 편견은 창의력의 가장 큰 장애물이다. a) Bias is the biggest barrier to creativity. b) The biggest barrier is bias to creativity. c) Creativity is the biggest barrier to bias. 9) 다음 중 cause의 유의어는? a) trigger b) source c) contribute 10) 무엇에 관한 건데? a) What's up? b) What about it? c) What's it about?

L5 Review pp.114-115



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