1) Yesterday we ... on a trampoline. a) climbed b) watched c) jumped 2) He ... football last weekend. a) watched b) played c) talked 3) She ... a picture last week. a) climbed b) danced c) painted 4) She ... a lot yesterday. a) cried b) climbed c) asked 5) They ... sea animals in the aquarium last Sunday. a) watched b) played c) listened 6) He ... his mum to clean yesterday. a) played b) helped c) waited 7) We ... to our teacher last Monday. a) played b) listened c) walked 8) They ... in the playground last Saturday. a) watched b) looked c) played 9) Children ... the art gallery last Wednesday. a) visited b) watched c) talked 10) Our family ... in the theme park last weekend. a) asked b) walked c) played

AS2 Unit 10.3 Past Simple Regular Verbs


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