promotion prospects  - the likelihood of being promoted to a higher position, can't complain  - a response indicating that everything is going well, financial forecast  - a prediction of financial performance, to break the ice  - to initiate conversation or interaction in a friendly way, especially with someone new or unfamiliar, professionalism  - the quality of behaving in a responsible, respectful, and ethical manner in a work setting, all in a day's work  - something considered normal or routine for a particular job, conference  - a meeting of professionals to discuss a particular topic, the bottom line  - the most important result or conclusion related to finances or profits, presentation  - a talk or speech given to an audience often accompanied by visuals, common ground  - shared interests, beliefs, or experiences between two or more people, to talk shop  - to discuss work-related topics in a social setting, to touch base  - to make contact with someone briefly, often to check progress, to get down to business  - to start discussing important matters without wasting time, client  - a person or organization that uses the services or advice of a professional or company, networking  - the act of building relationships with people in your industry or field, colleague - a person who works in the same profession or company as you,

Essential business vocabulary items (GlobusHS)


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