Zones - The coding system that outlines how the land may be used (C=Commercial, R=Residential) divides the land into, Aesthetic ordinances - Zoning Laws that specify certain types of architecture for all new construction are called, Covenants or restrictions - Private rules established by a developer for all parcels within the defined subdivision are called, Buffer Zones - Areas such as parks used to screen residential from non-residential areas, Variance - A form of permitted use, despite being prohibited by zoning, that is granted to an owner because of unique hardship caused by the regulation, Nonconforming use - An existing use of property that is permitted to continue after a zoning ordinance prohibiting it has been established in the area, Building Codes - Ordinances that specify construction and safety standards for construction, Subdivision - A tract of land divided into two or more parcels for the purpose of sale or development involving the dedication of a new street or change in an existing street,


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