1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film ______ a) has start b) started c) had started 2)  She ______ in Japan before she moved to Chile. a) has lived b) lived c) had lived 3) they ______ in the Countryside before they moved to the city a) had lived b) have lived c) lived 4) Julie _____ after I arrived home. a) had left b) have left c) left 5) Once we ______ dinner, we went out. a) finished b) had finished  c) have finished  6) The garden ______ before the summer arrived a) has grown b) had grown c) grew 7) First we ___ the salad, then we had the sandwich. a) had had b) have had c) have 8) We were late for the plane because we ______ our passports! a) have lost b) lost c) had lost 9) She told me she ______ a lot before she took the exam a) has studies b) had studyed c) had studied 10) The lights went off because we ______ the electricity bill a) hadn't paid b) hadn't payed c) haven't pay  11) The boy ______ his homework, so he got a 1.0  a) didn't do b) hadn't done c) did 12) he______ so he went to a restaurant. a) haven't eaten b) hadn't eaten c) hadn't ate 13) We couldn't go into the concert because we ____ our tickets a) brought b) hadn't brought c) didn't bring 14) Julie and Anne ______ before they talked at the break this morning. a) hadn't met b) didn't meet c) met 15) I ______ breakfast, but the bus arrived so I left to school. a) hadn't has b) hadn't have c) hadn't had 16) we ____ a match in the morning before we played a second match in the afternoon. a) play b) played c) had played

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