Venus. - The planet known as the Earth's twin is, Earth. - The third nearest planet to the sun?, Elangated . - All the planets move around the Sun in a., Largest. - Jupiter is the ..... planet in the Solar system., Eighth.  - Neptune is the .... planet from the sun., No Moons. - How many moons the Mercury has?, Mars. - which planet known as red planet?, No Moons - How many moons the Venus has?, One Moon - How many moons the Earth has?, Saturn - Which planet has more moons?, One - How many Satellites the Earth has?, Neptune - Which planet is the farthest from the Sun?, Mercury - What is the smallest planet in our solar system?, The Sun - What is the largest object in our solar system?, 4 - How many inner planets there?, Four - How many outer planets there?, 150 M. Kms - What is distance between earth and sun?, 228 M. Kms. - What is distance between Mars and sun?, 58 M. Kms. - What is distance between Mercury and sun?, 4496 M. Kms. - What is distance between Neptune and sun?,



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