1) As silent as the dead means ______. a) to be unwilling to talk  b) to be angry c) to be completely silent d) to be afraid to talk 2) Be a dead duck means ______. a) to be a poor swimmer b) to have failed or lost a contest c) to be cold and wet d) to be in a lot of trouble 3) to cut someone dead means _____. a) murder with a knife b) ignore someone totally c) cause a fatal traffic accident d) interrupt someone's conversation 4) Dead and buried means ______. a) forgotten b) hidden c) gone forever d) well preserved 5) The dead center is ______. a) a cemetery b) the city morgue c) the exact centre of something d) an abandoned inner city building 6) A dead loss is ____. a) someone or something that is completely useless b) the number of people who died in a battle c) a bankrupt company d) a fatal diet 7) Dead men don't bite means ______. a) dead people have no teeth b) a person with no job keeps quiet c) a sleeping person cannot eat d) a person who dies cannot hurt you 8) Dead men tell no tales means _____. a) boring people are poor storytellers b) dead people will not betray secrets c) unpopular people are seldom listened to d) tired people do not speak much 9) Dead on one's feet means ______. a) to be poor at dancing b) to be extremely overweight c) to be prone to tripping d) to be exhausted and worn out 10) Another way to say "drop dead" is _____. a) Wow! That's wonderful. b) Go away and stop bothering me. c) You are taking more than you share. d) You have to be kidding. 11) Let the dead bury the dead means ______. a) forget about past conflicts b) let licensed workers take care of dead bodies c) when you leave home, take nothing with you d) let old people take care of each other 12) To flog a dead horse means ______. a) to do the very best job that is possible b) to waste energy on a lost cause or a situation that cannot be changed. c) winning with very little effort d) to be cruel and punish all people around you

Happy Halloween (Idioms with "dead")



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