Inductive Reasoning - to make conclusions based upon examples and patterns, Pattern - a series or sequence that repeats, Conjecture - an unproven statement that is based on observations, an " educated guess ", Counterexample - a specific case where a conjecture is false, Conditional - a logical statement that has two parts: the hypothesis and conclusion, If-Then Statement - another name for a conditional statement, Hypothesis - an unproven statement that might be true and can be tested, Conclusion - the result of a hypothesis, lowercase p - the symbol for the hypothesis, lowercase q - the symbol for the conclusion, right - the direction the arrow points, the symbol for the word " then ", Converse - created when the hypothesis and conclusion are switched, Inverse - created when both the hypothesis and conclusion are negated, Contrapositive - created by the combination of the converse and inverse, Biconditional - a statement that is only true when both the conditional statement and converse are both true, Law of Detachment - If p→q is true, and p is true, then q is true., Law of Syllogism - If p→q and q→r are true, then p→r is true, Deductive Reasoning - uses facts, definitions, accepted properties, and the laws of logic to form a logical argument.,


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