Specific Phobia - a persistent, intense, irrational fear of a specific object or event, Biological Factor - a factor that relates to the physiological functioning of the body , GABA - the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system, Glutamate - the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the nervous system , Dysfunctional GABA system - a failure to produce, release or receive the correct amount of GABA, Long-term Potentiation - relatively permanent strengthening of synaptic connections as a result of repeated activation of a neural pathway , Psychological Factor - a factor that relates to the functioning of the brain, including cognitive and affective processes, Behavioural model - phobias are learned through experience and may be developed, sustained or modified by environmental consequences, Precipitate - trigger the onset or exacerbation of a mental disorder , Operant conditioning - a type of learning process in which the likelyhood of voluntary behaviour occurring is determined by its consequences , Perpetuation - prolonging of the occurrence of a mental disorder and preventing recovery , negative reinforcement - when a behaviour is followed by the removal of an undesirable stimulus, increasing the likelihood of the behaviour occurring again, avoidance behaviour - actions a person takes to escape from difficult thoughts and feelings , Cognitive model - a model that describes how people's perceptions of situations influence their emotional and behavioural reactions , Cognitive bias - a tendency to think in a way that involves errors of judgement and faulty decision-making , Memory bias - distorted thinking that either enhances or impairs the recall of a memory or alters its content , Classical conditioning - a simple form of learning that occurs through repeated association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response , Catastrophic thinking - a cognitive bias that involves overestimating and exaggerating the worst possible outcomes to situations even though they are unlikely to occur , Social factor - a factor that relates to the social components of a person's environment, Specific environmental trigger - a direct, negative traumatic experience associated with extreme fear or discomfort, which then acts as a cue for future phobic fear responses , Stigma - feeling of shame or disgrace associated with a personal characteristic that indicates you belong to a culturally devalued group in society - can be real or imagined,
Risk Factors for contributing to Specific Phobia
Year 11
Year 12
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