1) This cat … a pupil a) is b) are c) am d) isn’t e) aren’t f) am not 2) These cats … friends. a) is b) am c) are 3) We … a happy family. a) is b) are c) am d) aren’t e) am note 4) His sister … 5 years old. a) are b) is c) am d) isn’t e) aren’t f) am not 5) My cat … on the beach. a) is b) isn’t c) are d) aren’t e) am f) am not 6) I … your friend. (-) a) am not b) isn’t c) aren’t d) are e) is f) am 7) The pupils … at school today. (-) a) are b) is c) am d) aren’t e) isnt f) am not 8) These ants … strong. (-) a) isn’t b) aren’t c) am not d) am e) is f) are

to be affirmative and negative; adults



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