____: a ____ version of a product that allows the ____ of ideas. The intention behind a feature or the overall design concept can be shown to users before investing time and money in development. ____: can be very small or very large: bridges, ships, stadia, specialist jewellery, made-to-measure clothing, ____ furniture. Is sometimes referred to as ____ production. ____ production is a method whereby a group of identical products is produced ____ (rather than one at a time), before moving along to make another group of products. ____ production creates standardised goods in ____ quantities. The term can also be used to describe ____ production or flow production, due to products usually being manufactured on sizeable ____ systems. It is ____ intensive (requires high investment in machinery) and uses a lot of energy. It relies of ____ to be profitable. ____ production is a flow production method used to manufacture, produce or process materials without ____. It usually means operating ____ hours a day, seven days a week, with infrequent maintenance ____ (biannual or annual). A ____ layout is one in which equipment or work processes are arranged according to the progressive ____ by which the product is ____. A ____ layout is when similar ____ or functions are ____ together. A ____ line is a traditional method associated with manufacturing. This is arranged so that the product is moved ____ along the line and stops at various work centres where an operation is performed. In ____ manufacturing, production workstations and equipment are arranged in a sequence that supports a smooth flow of materials and components through the production process, with minimal transport or delay. It involves the use of multiple ‘____’ in an assembly line. The product moves from one ____ to the next, each station completing part of the manufacturing process. Often the cells are arranged in a ____-shape because this allows the ____ to move less and watch over the entire process from one ____. ____ is the technology by which a process or procedure is accomplished without human assistance. The basic elements are: ____: operates the automated system program of ____: directs the process ____ system: ____ the instructions. ____ systems and ____ are required to make a system in manufacturing fully ____. These are programmed by ____ and the final processes are completed by ____ controlled by robotics. Humans tend to be used to monitor these systems. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of software and computer-controlled machinery to automate a manufacturing process. The components needed for the system to function are: ____ that tells a machine how to make a product by generating tool paths post-____ converts tool paths into a language machines can understand ____ can turn raw materials into ____ products.

Unit 1 Manufacturing Scale and infrastructure


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