Eating too much junk food can lead to...  - weight gain and health problems, Skipping regular exercise might lead to...  - losing physical fitness., Pollution from factories can lead to... - bad air and water quality, Procrastinating on your projects can lead to ... - missing deadlines and trouble at work, Using your phone while driving can lead to... - poor concentration and traffic accidents, Managing your time effectively at work will lead to ... - getting more done and feeling less stressed at work., Excessive screen time before bed can lead to... - insomnia and other sleep problems, Regular study revision leads to ... - enhanced learning and better retention, Addiction to shopping can lead to... - financial problems, Consistent saving and budgeting will lead to ... - financial stability and future security., Improving your communication skills can lead to ... - more stable relationships., Volunteering in your field of expertise can lead to ... - better job opportunities in NZ., Doing regular exercise leads to... - better physical and mental health , Reducing speed limits on the road can lead to ... - fewer fatal accidents.,

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