Yesterday, Last week, Two days ago, In 1999, On Monday, Last night, In the past, When I was a child, Years ago, In the 20th century, After the movie ended, During my vacation, Once upon a time, Last year, In 1965, In my childhood, In January, In the 1800s, On my birthday, In the old days, At 3 PM yesterday, While I was cooking dinner, During the rainstorm, At that moment, When he called me, While they were playing soccer, As I was walking to work, At 10 o'clock last night, While she was reading a book, During the meeting, When the phone rang, While we were watching TV, At the same time, As they were studying, While it was snowing, During the concert, As the sun was setting, While I was doing my homework, When they were traveling, As she was talking to him.

Speaking past simple and past continuous



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