credit card - a way to pay that is a loan, debit card - a way to pay from your bank account, bank branch - an in-person bank that you can go to , online banking - banking you do on your computer, mobile banking - banking you do on your mobile device, telephone banking - banking you do by calling your bank, in person banking - banking you do at a branch, banking app - what you use for mobile banking , bank statement - a list of banking activity, bank account - what your money goes in and out of , personal information - your information, like your SIN and date of birth, identification / ID - proves your identity, like a driver's license, PIN - Personal Identification Number , bank teller - customer service person who helps you in a bank branch, bank associate - customer service person who helps you on the phone, transaction - any activity in your account, key pad - the numbers and symbols on your phone , pound key - #, star key - *,

Banking Vocabulary


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