1) How many meals are recommended to each eat day? a) 3 regular meals  b) 5-6 small meals 2) A unit of energy found in food a) Calorie  b) Protein 3) Who decides what information goes on a food label? a) USDA & FDA b) FDA only 4) The (bad) carbohydrates that break down quickly and have little nutritional value a) Simple carbs b) Complex carbs 5) The (good) carbohydrates that breakdown slowly and contain fiber a) Simple carbs b) Complex carbs  6) Which of the following is true about water? a) Boosts energy and flushes out toxins b) Found in food, which is the best way to intake water 7) If something is listed as one of the first three ingredients on a food label, it probably contains a lot of it a) True b) False 8) On food labels, sodium is referring to ______. a) Sugar b) Salt 9) To be USDA certified organic, a product must be made of ____% organic ingredients a) 100% b) 95%


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