Pages 1- 4. How often do buses go to San Francisco?, Pages 1- 4. Where is someone robbing a supermarket? , Pages 1- 4. The supermarket manager says, ' Yes, we have some pictures. ' How does he have pictures of the robber?', Pages 1- 4. What is Kenny's room number in the motel?, Pages 1- 4. How does the girl in room seventeen arrive at the motel?, Pages 5- 8. Who... is talking about the robbery on TV?, Pages 5- 8. Who... does Kenny remember who has long blond hair?, Pages 5- 8. Where... is the girl eating her breakfast?, Pages 5- 8. Where... are Mel and Kenny going later that morning?, Pages 9- 12. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Someone is watching Mel. T  F, Pages 9- 12. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 2. Ned wants to phone the police. T F, Pages 9- 12. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 3. Kenny opens Mel's room with his key. T F, Pages 13 - 16. Mel comes back to her room. Where does Kenny go first? , Pages 13 - 16.  Who is Mel talking to on the phone?, Pages 13 - 16.  What is the first thing Kenny sees in room eighteen?, Pages 13 - 16.  What is in the bag?, Pages 17- 20. Who says or thinks these words? ' What are you doing in my room?', Pages 17- 20. Who says or thinks these words? ' You can't get away.', Pages 17- 20. Who says or thinks these words? ' Why is he running?', Pages 17- 20. Who says or thinks these words? ' He's the Los Angeles supermarket robber!', Pages 17- 20. Who says or thinks these words? ' I can stop him!'.

Girl on a Motorcycle



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