1) What is the percentage of foreigners in Italy? a) 8.6% b) 11.2% c) 16.0% d) 22.4% 2) What have been the impacts of migratory flows on the Italian economy? a) No impact b) Increase in the percentage of poor families c) Increase in the percentage of rich families d) None of the above 3) What is the relative poverty rate of immigrants in Italy? a) 33.2% b) 44.6% c) 22.1% d) 14.9% 4) What is the average income of immigrants in Italy? a) 22.546€ b) 14.469€ c) 28.176€ d) 17.368€ 5) What percentage of foreign families live in poverty? a) 34.1% b) 18.5% c) 29.7% d) 26,5% 6) What percentage of Italian families live in poverty? a) 23.6% b) 13.2% c) 6.4% d) 31.4% 7) What percentage of foreign families live in their own homes? a) 16.4% b) 34.8% c) 48.1% d) 21.2% 8) What percentage of Italian families live in their own homes? a) 70.8% b) 64.9% c) 51.2% d) 58.7% 9) Which is the Italian region with the greatest presence of foreign residents in 2020, according to Istat? a) Lazio b) Emilia-Romagna c) Lombardia d) Veneto 10) What is the most represented nationality among foreigners residing in Italy in 2020, according to Istat? a) Albania b) Romania c) Marocco d) Cina 11) What is the economic sector that employs the majority of foreigners employed in Italy in 2020, according to Istat? a) Agriculture b) Industry c) Buildings d) Services 12) What is the attitude of Italians towards immigration in 2020, according to a survey by the Istituto Affari Internazionali? a) Depends b) Favorable c) Contrary d) Indifferent 13) What is Italians' main concern regarding immigration in 2020, according to a survey by the Istituto Affari Internazionali? a) The work b) Integration c) Healthcare d) The security 14) What is the effect of immigration on economic growth in Italy, according to a 2019 study? a) Null b) Negative c) Positive d) Uncertain



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