1) Value of either 0 or 1 only a) Bits b) Qubits 2) Quantum computers works with: a) Bits b) Qubits 3) Classical computers works with: a) Bits b) Qubits 4) Controlled with digital gates, such as AND, OR, NOT, etc. a) Bits b) Qubits 5) Behaviour based on classical physics. a) Bits b) Qubits 6) Behaviour based on quantum mechanics. a) Bits b) Qubits 7) Value of either 0, 1 or both simultaneously a) Bits b) Qubits 8) The value is probabilistic a) Bits b) Qubits 9) Controlled with quantum gates. a) Bits b) Qubits 10) Can't be copied a) Bits b) Qubits 11) Can be copied a) Bits b) Qubits

Bits vs Qubits



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