The loss lay where it fell, The general rule on acceptance is that it must be effectively communicated, He who comes to equity must do so with clean hands, The usual method of assessing damages in contract is the expectation basis, C must take reasonable steps to mitigate his loss, Liquidated damages must be a genuine pre-estimate of loss, A penalty clause imposes something out of all proportion to the loss suffered, An invitation to treat is the opportunity to negotiate or form an offer, A unilateral offer is made to the world at large, The same notoriety must be given to the revocation as to the original offer, A promise without consideration is known as a bare promise, Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate, The general rule on privity is that only those who are party to a contract can sue or be sued under it, Very strong evidence is required to rebut the presumption of legal intent in a business/commercial agreement, For a term to be implied through common law, it must be so obvious it goes without saying, To vitiate means to make ineffective, The general rule on performance is that it must be exact and complete, If time is crucial to one or both of the parties, it may be said to be of the essence, The doctrine of frustration must be applied within very narrow limits, Since 1943, money paid before the frustrating event is recoverable,

Contract Law



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