Adjectives: Captivating, Compelling, Riveting, Engrossing, Intriguing, Exquisite, Awe-inspiring, Phenomenal, Masterful, Spellbinding, Visually stunning, Gripping, Evocative, Cinematic, Immersive, Phrasal Verbs: Bring out (to release a film), Live up to (to meet expectations), Stand out (to be noticeable or impressive), Cut out (to remove scenes or footage), Fill in (to provide information or details), Set up (to establish the plot or premise), Break through (to achieve success or recognition), Play out (to unfold or develop), Act out (to perform a scene or role), Come across (to appear or be perceived), Specific Vocabulary: Director, Screenwriter, Cinematography, Soundtrack, Editing, Genre, Sequel, Plot twist, Character development, Climax, Protagonist, Antagonist, Dialogue, Montage, Special effects,

Matura/CAE - Films



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