你喜歡看什麼節目? - what kind of programs do you like to watch?, 我喜歡看卡通 - I like to watch cartoon, 每天下午四點半都要卡通 - There is cartoon show at four thirty every afternoon, 你想看哪(一)個節目? - Which programs do you like to watch?, 請你自己選 - Please choose by yourself., 沒關係,你看哪(一)個節目,我就看哪(一)個節目 - That's O.k. I will watch what you want to watch, 你在家看中文電視還是英文電視? - Do you watch Chinese TV programs or English TV programs?, 爺爺奶奶他們看中文的,我們看英文的 - My grandpa and grandma watch Chinese TV programs,and we watch English TV programs., 你有沒有看今天的新聞? - Did you read today's news?, 還沒有,有什麼大新聞? - Not yet,what big news is there today?,




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