You're a popular artist. You've just sold one of your pieces for a lot of money and you're getting ready for a big exhibition. However, life isn't perfect. All the critics write unkind things about your art. Why don't they realise how brilliant you are?  - I wish the critics realised what a great artist I am. I wish the critics wrote complimentary pieces about me. I wish I could be critically recognised., You're a famous singer. You've just finished a world tour and now you're recording a new album. However, life isn't perfect. Paparazzi follow you around every day, which drives you crazy. - I wish I could go out and not be harassed. I wish the paparazzi would leave me alone. I wish I wasn’t so famous. , You're a famous fashion model. You've just come back from doing a show in Milan. However, life isn't perfect. You can't eat the same food as everyone else. You ‘ve been on a strict diet for nearly six years!  - I wish I could eat an ordinary diet. I wish I didn’t have to starve myself. I wish I could have a Big Mac and fries., You're a famous novelist. You write best-selling romance books and at the moment you're writing a new novel. However, life isn't perfect. You work on your own all the time and you sometimes get extremely lonely.  - I wish my job was more social. I wish I worked with others. I wish I wasn’t so lonely., You're a famous chef. Your food is known all over, and now you're working on a new menu for your Michelin three star restaurant. However, life isn't perfect. You're really tired of eating fancy food all the time. - I wish I could have a home cooked meal. I wish I could eat ordinary food more often., You're a famous comedian. You used to perform live at the Melbourne festival and at the moment you're making a TV series. However, life isn't perfect. People ask you to tell jokes all the time — but you're actually quite shy and serious and enjoy a good debate. - I wish I could have a serious conversation with people. I wish people would stop asking me to tell jokes. I wish people would stop expecting me to be funny., You're a famous tennis player. This year you've won a Grand Slam tournament and tomorrow you're making a new TV ad. However, life isn't perfect. You get so nervous before big matches that you can't eat or sleep.  - I wish I could relax more before matches. I wish I didn’t get so nervous., You are a famous fashion designer. You are known for your beautiful evening wear and at the moment you're getting ready for a big fashion show. However, life isn't perfect. Online stores keep stealing your designs and using your brand name.  - I wish people would stop stealing my designs. I wish it was easier to enforce copyright in some countries. , You're a famous TV presenter. You’re a household name and have been presenting the news for years. However, life isn't perfect. People stop you in the street all the time. Everyone thinks they know you, but they don't!  - I wish people would leave me alone when I go out. I wish I could go out without being recognised., You're a famous business executive. You own a multi-million company. You've just been to the USA and tomorrow you're off to China. However, life isn't perfect. You're very stressed because you're under so much pressure all the time.  - I wish I was less stressed. I wish I wasn’t under so much pressure. I wish I had someone to help me with the business., You are a famous actor/actress. During the last few months you've been making a new blockbuster movie. However, life isn't perfect. You have to be at the film set by 5 a.m. to get your make up done, and you hate getting up early!  - I wish I didn’t have to get up so early. I wish I could have a lie-in. I wish filming started later., You're a famous musician in a rock band. Today you've been rehearsing for your next big concert tour overseas. However, life isn't perfect. You have to be away from home most of the year and you miss your family. - I wish I could spend more time at home. I wish I could see more of my family. I wish I had more time with my kids.,

"I wish" for the present and future



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