1) 37. Samantha explains that TV a) Has been able to get people of all kinds together. b) Shows cultural events that the internet doesn’t. c) Could never be compared to the internet. d) Got artists, journalists and directors as a whole. 2) 38. The article criticized all the following except: a) TV shows the same programs again and again. b) TV programs are made with low quality. c) TV programs spend no money in their productions. d) TV programs do not have the latest information. 3) 39. Samantha disagrees with the article because a) people still have TV at homes. b) people like being in front of the TV. c) TV is as fun as the Internet while at home. d) the latest news is on TVs at home. 4) 40. The main difference between TV and the Internet is that a) the internet and TV are both entertainment tools for everyone. b) the internet is informational while TVs use more serious content. c) TV programs are more interesting than those in the internet. d) TV is used for entertainment and the internet to investigate. 5) 41. The writer includes the example of the documentary in order to a) explain how important it is to have documentaries on TV. b) give an example of how popular documentaries are. c) show how a TV program can inform and be fun. d) clarify how information is used on tv in all programs. 6) 42. The article “Is the TV dead?” feels TV a) is a boring and not an up to date tool. b) should be more fun and informative. c) should spend more money in production. d) has repetitive and up to date programs.

Inferential reading Part 6



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