"Don't do that again" - He told me ... - ... not to do that again., "Will you marry me?" - He asked her ... - ... to marry him., "I really like the film" - He said ... - ... he really liked the film., "We have a job for you" - She says ... - ... they have a job for me., "I saw them yesterday" - He said ... - ... he had seen them the day before., "I will call you tomorrow" - She told him ... - ... she would call him the next day, "Open your books, please" - The teacher asked us ... - ... to open our books, "I'm calling you to apologise" - He says ... - ... he's calling me to apologise., "I'm going to invite everyone" - She said ... - ... she was going to invite everyone., "I have just finished" - He said ... - ... he had just finished., "They left two days ago" - She said ...  - ... they had left two days before., "Can you help me do it tomorrow?" - He asked if I ... - ... could help him do it the following day.,


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