1) . If you work hard, you .......... the exam. a) will pass b) would pass c) wont pass 2) If my computer ........... , I'll ask Lara for help. a) crashimg b) would not crash c) crashes 3) If I lived closer, I .................. to work. a) wouldn't b) wouldn't drive c) wouldn't be 4) If I win the lottery, I .................... a new house. a) will buy b) will bought c) will not buy 5) If Anne’s father gets seriously ill, they ____________________ (BRING) him to the hospital. a) bring b) would bring c) WILL BRING 6) If I .................. (BE) you I would pay more attention in class. a) were b) will /were c) will 7) They ____________________ (NOT GO) out if they don’t get a babysitter. a) wouldnt b) WON’T GO c) go 8) If you ____________________ (NOT KNOCK) they won’t let you in. a) dont know b) dosnt know c) know 9) If I had missed the bus, I ____________________ (TAKE) a taxi. a) take taxi b) dont take taxi c) would have a taxi 10) 20. I WILL GIVE (GIVE) you the news as soon as I get it. a) give b) will give you c) would

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