What kind of thing can you take with a grain of salt? - advice, offers that are too good to be true, fantastical stories, What kind of thing can you shove down someone’s throat? - your opinions and values, What kind of thing can you debunk? - theories, myths, dodgy research, popular ideas, What is the preposition used here: pour your heart out __ someone __ something - pour your heart out to someone about something, What is something you can ditch? - possessions, school, a friend, a party, What can you unpack? - a story, a piece of research, a complex saying, and article, What can trip you up in a driving test? - not looking at your mirrors, going over the speed limit, What doesn’t have a price tag? - love, friendship, contentment, family, enjoying nature, What is the golden rule that you find in many religions or discussions of ethics? - treat others as you would like to be treated - or treat others as they would like to be treated, When do people need to be resilient? - after a disappointment or setback - a break-up, a failure, What are some things that can be passed down through the generations? - recipes, heirlooms, sayings, family traditions,

Vocabulary from "How to spot terrible life advice"


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