Why are people sometime reluctant to believe health messages (eg around vaccines) even though they are loud and clear? , Can you share a time when you arrived somewhere safe and sound after a difficult journey?, By and large, do you think people are becoming more health-conscious? Why or why not?, What bits and pieces do you always carry around with you in your bag or pocket?, Do you prefer to learn new technology through trial and error, or do you read the instructions first?, Do you like understanding the nuts and bolts of how things work, or do you prefer the bigger picture?, Have you had any back and forth email exchanges recently? What were they about?, Do you like to wake up bright and early, or do you prefer to sleep in? Why?, Have you ever been left high and dry by someone you trusted? What happened?, Have you ever searched high and low for something important? What was it and did you find it?, How important is give and take in relationships? , How do you (or did you) earn your bread and butter?, Do you prefer long explanations or do you like information to be short and sweet? Why?, How do you find peace and quiet in your daily life?, Can you share some of the ups and downs you’ve experienced in your career?,

SPEAKING: Fixed expressions linked with "and"


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