arpeggio - when the notes of the chord are played one after another (often in rapid succession), hammer-on - plucking a string, then 'hammering-on' your finger to get a higher pitched note. Used on fretted string instruments., imitation - where a melody is played or sung then repeated with a slight change in another voice, legato - smooth, connected, melisma - more than one pitch per syllable, blue-note - flattened 3rd or 7th, creates 'bluesy' sound, canon - where melody is copied exactly in another voice, rubato - 'robbed' time, where music accels (speeds up), ralls (slows down) musically but where there is still a pulse, sforzando - played with extra force, syncopation - off the beat (e.g. riff A in 'Africa', walking bass - bass line 'walks' up and down the scale, mostly conjunct and often in steady crotchets or quavers, belting - a vocal technique where singer creates a powerful sound by using their chest voice (blended with head voice) in a higher register , pedal - a low note held or repeated whilst the harmony changes above it, inverted pedal - a higher pitched note held or repeated whilst the harmony changes below it, sample - a short section of a piece is taken exactly as it is and used in a new, different piece, stab chords - staccato (often forte) chords, often dissonant (clashing),


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