: What was the best part of your day today?, What do you do to relax?, What's your hidden talent?, Who is your hero?, Do you believe in soulmates?, What does love mean to you?, Name three things you really like., What's one thing I don't know about you?, Describe yourself in three words., Who inspires you the most?, What's your favorite childhood memory?, Think before you talk, or talk before you think?, Are you a morning or a night person?, What's your favorite song? Why?, How do you show people you love them?, What's your favorite pizza topping?, When was the last time you told a lie?, What is your favorite item of clothing?, Do you believe in ghosts?, What's your favorite kind of ice cream?, Juice or soda?, Do you use emojis? Which your favorite one?, What motivates you in life?, Who knows you the best?, What makes you angry?, What's your most memorable birthday?, What are you afraid of?, What is your favorite place in the world?, Is there someone you miss?, What's something you used to like?, What does your name mean?, What did you eat today?, Something that makes you smile., What time do you go to sleep?, What are your 3 wishes?, What makes you happy?, What is success to you?, The funniest thing you've heard recently., Are you saving or spending money?, What's the most valuable thing you own?, What's the last song you listened to? , What relaxes you?, Can people change?, What's your favorite thing to drink?, What's your favorite snack?, Who is the most important person in your life?, Are you usually late, early, or on time?, Are you superstitious?, When are you shy?, How competitive are you?, How do you feel about your age?, What's something that amazes you?, In what situations are you most uncomfortable?, Are you a traveler or a homebody?, Favorite season and why., What's your lucky number?, Swimming pool or the sea?, As a child, what was your idea of fun?, Nowadays, what is your idea of fun?, Do you know how to swim?, If you could go back in time, what year would you visit?, If you were given $100,000, how would you spend it?, Are people trustwhorty? Explain., What is beauty?, What makes a true friendship?, What does it mean to be powerful?, How would you define "freedom"?, How do you measure happiness?, How do you define true love?, What is the meaning of life?, What's unforgivable?, What's one thing you know for sure?, What insults your intelligence?, What lie did you tell today?, How hard is life?, How do you handle anger?, What stresses you out?, When you feel sad, what do you do to find comfort?, Is it better to be loved or to love?, What worries you?, How do you heal a broken heart?, What does silence feel to you?, What makes your heart beat fast?, Sweet food or savory food?, Who did you help today?, Did you learn anything today?, Who was kind to you today?, What made you laugh today?, What are you good at?, Is your house clean?,

Conversation Tea Time



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